Pakistani Bloggers

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Guest Posts

A diverse collection of specially contributed original writing by Pakistani Bloggers.

Interfering in the affairs of Pakistan

Faisal Khan

Yesterday I saw news that King Abdullah of KSA will host an Iftar dinner in the "honor" of Pervaiz Musharraf. There is also news that he may be residing in KSA for times to come. What kind of joke is this? Our "sacred" khadim ul harmain al sharifain is always ...

The Vanguards of Knowledge?

Uzma Shahid

Life constantly confronts us with that unwritten rule �the end justifies the means�. �The senior management at the bank will push juniors around. It is not merit that will qualify for scholarship but your relation to government bureaucrats and political families. Study abroad; that is a wise career ...

Lack Of Corporate Social Responsibility In Pakistan?

Saqib Asfar

When it comes to corporate social responsibility, we have not seen many companies in Pakistan making an effort to do something extra-ordinary regarding this matter. Although we do hear a lot of companies giving donations and charity, but most of them have restricted themselves to philanthropic activities only. Is it ...

Why such incompetent and stupid leaders get elected

Shahid Ali

Let me share with you my recent experience. Yesterday I went to meet my friend at his father�s pharmacy (medical store) located in old city area of Karachi (one might call it not so developed or a bit backward area). My friend was filling in for his father as cashier. ...

Pakistani Politics

Khawaja Ikram Ul Haq

1. Jun8-2009--clashes between lashkar and militants leave almost 11 dead as hayagay sharqi and other villages join to form a lashkar and fight militants who were bunkered in and also razed 20 militant houses in upper dir.. 2. Jun8-2009--In maidan, lower dir militants torched 11 schools... 3. Jun8-2009--TTP ...

UK immigration atrocities

Ken Gibson

In WWII, refugees were sent back to die by the British government. Evidence of atrocities in Europe was ignored, and Tory Foreign Minister Anthony Eden is remembered for his remark that Britain had taken its quota and would take no more. His successor in the Labour government, Ernest Bevin, was ...

The politics of listening to the elders

Asim Bharoocha

It is not possible to decipher correct information through print and electronic media, nor is it possible from hearsay. Getting unbiased information is only possible through experiencing it. Let me put forward my arguments: Looking at the Pakistani soaps, dramas, movies, sitcom and all such mediums claiming to represent Pakistan; ...

How to Increase Blog Traffic


There must be thousands of "how to increase blog traffic" posts and articles out there on the internet. From experts in SEO to link-builders to black-hats to comment-spammers to link-buyers to ping-traffickers to directory submitters. But simple things are often forgotten. It is true that having ...



This saying appears in many different forms, but the earliest version is probably that of the poet and philosopher George Santayana: "Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it." I cannot believe that the government has no idea what "appeasement" means - learn from history ...

Pakistan needs to follow Chinese economic blueprint

Saeed Shiekh

There is a stretch of hundreds of miles of border area between one of the most advanced manufacturing super power houses in the world and the most fragile economies of scale. Internal and complex policies that lay paralyzed in the hands of friable leadership across the world and yet there ...

A salute to the ones who deserve it.

Muhammad Immad Qamar

My friends, this post is not like the ones i've put up before. Mr.Iftikhar M.Chaudhry became a symbol for the movement of the restoration of the judiciary and in the larger prespective the establishment of true justice in Pakistan. Knowing and understanding his position in the movement, it ...

Long live the Republic, and longer live the public!

Muhammad Immad Qamar

The Long March is announced, the month of the march, eehrrmm, March approaches. America panics "Goddamned Pakistanis! instability does not serve our vested interests!" Uncle Sam calls the big brother (Kiyani ofcourse, not Zardari, not by a long shot) to capitol hill. 10 day trip, endless briefings, numerous insrtructions. ...

Administrative Success or Blatant Stupidity?

Muhammad Immad Qamar

The government�s only purpose and sole mission since the beginning of March has been to somehow, by whatever means possible bring the long march to a halt. The actions taken by the government are a glaring example of its lack of foresight and the understanding the government possesses of its ...

are we finally headed where we should've started from?

Muhammad Immad Qamar

Ever since the 9th of March 2007, Pakistan has entered into a new chapter of her history. This fine republic which had been a mere excuse for a nation state finally rose. And it rose in such a way that powers of malice and evil both foreign and domestic were ...

Political situation of Pakistan-Few questions

Shahid Ali

I was trying to analyze the current political situation of Pakistan and asked few questions from myself to reach any conclusion. Not aligned with any political party, I tried to give honest answers to these questions. Friends are also requested to post answers to get your views too. ...